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Yonathen Desisa

Yonathen Desisa

Computer Science Student @ George Mason University | Software Engineer


About Me

About Me

“I only know one thing, and that is I know nothing.” – Socrates

Hello, my name is Yonathen Desisa and I know nothing. Although some may see this statement as incompetence, I see this as an opportunity for growth, specifically in my programming. As a result, I love exploring software development concepts and ideas that were originally unknown to me. Because, ultimately, the unknown is what excites me the most.

If you are a recruiter looking for a Software Engineer/Developer intern, DON'T GET ME WRONG I KNOW SOMETHING!😁

Website Inspiration

My website was inspired by bokoko33 and you can find their website here.




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Creating a mobile ios app was something that I had been considering ever since I began my programming journey. By the time I had started this project, which was a couple of days before my high school graduation, I had already grasped software development processes - specifically Agile development.

The main idea behind this app is using Apple's Multipeer Connectivity, an operating system that uses smartphone ad hoc networks to stimulate a reaction based game - similar to a cowboy showdown. Although I am still in the process of coding this app, I believe that it will turn out really well!


CopyCat Output

This assignment was apart of my Data Structures/Algorithms course in high school, around the time of when we were learning regular expressions in Java.

As the name suggests, the objective of this assignment was to develop a java program that would be able to compare two other java programs together for plagiarism.

I used many ideas for this project, one of them being an implementation of the Secretary Problem in determining the percentage of plagiarism necessary to be considered cheating.


Basketball shot graph

Towards the end of my junior year, my physics teacher tasked us with a final project where we could turn in anything physics related. Earlier on in the year I had made a program that calculated the air trajectory of a projectile with specific parameters so I decided to do something similar for the project.

Building off of this idea, I simulated the flight of a basketball but with an animated path of travel instead. To do this I had to reverse engineer an animated spining wheel program made by my Data Structures/Algorithms teacher that used the Java utility classes Timer and TimerTask to update a JFrame.

Where can I find the code?

All of these projects can be found under my GitHub profile's repositories.

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